Web Host Manager (WHM), is a program that allows you administrative access to your WHM Reseller hosting account.
To access the WHM login page, simply add ‘/whm‘ to the end of your domain name in your browser’s address bar. If your domain name is example.com you would enter ‘example.com/whm’.
You can also enter the following URLs to login to WHM Reseller:
There is one more way to log into your WHM Reseller dashboard, but for that you need to perform the steps given below:
Step::1 Login to your LKHoster's Client area
Step::2 Then go to My Services under Services section
Step::3 Next click on the green coloured “Active” button.
Step::4 Now click on “Login to WHM” in the left hand sidebar panel.
It will redirect you directly to the WHM Reseller dashboard without asking for login credentials.